Anthony Jones is a writer and basketball coach living in Brooklyn. His work has appeared (or is scheduled to appear) in Westwind, The Furnace Review, The Montreal Review, PANK Magazine, Storychord, Poetry Quarterly, The Write Room,, and Orion Headless.  He was also the 2007 recipient of UCLA's Ruth Brill Scholarship, awarded for outstanding achievement in creative writing.  These days, he's working on his first novel, which is based primarily on his experiences with ex-girlfriends and John Wayne movies.  Some days he feels like everything in the story is falling into place, other days he can't write because he's worried that he doesn't have enough friends on Facebook.

Ben John Smith is a Melbourne based poet who get qweezy every time he hears the word poet. If he had a bigger set of balls he would move to Thailand and be done with all the bullshit that the non-Thailand people get up to.

Donal Mahoney lived and worked most of his life in Chicago. He now lives in St. Louis, Missouri, which despite an epidemic of drive-by shootings is probably a safer place to reside. His poems have appeared in the U.S. and abroad in both print and online journals. He still hears voices in the night when he rises to hover but they no longer speak English. Sadly, he speaks not a word of Old Slavonic.

Ed Makowski is a poet and writer living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He prefers cities to suburbs and tents to hotels. Two wheels always trumps four. He is working on his 3rd collection of poetry. 

Helen Vitoria lives and writes in Effort, PA. Her works appears and if forthcoming in: elimae, Mud Luscious Press, >kill author, Metazen, Dogzplot, monkeybicycle and many others. Her chapbook "The Sounds and Sights of Arctic Birds" is available as an e-chap from Gold Wake Press, 2011. She is working on completing her full length collection: Corn Exchange.

Jennifer L. Tomaloff (b. 1972) | author, bending light into verse (put it down) | takes: pictures | likes: animals | hates: people | see:

John Grey is an Australian born poet, and US resident since the late seventies. He works as a financial systems analyst. He has been recently published in Connecticut Review, Alimentum and Writer’s Bloc with work upcoming in Pennsylvania English, Prism International and the Cider Press Review. 

John Swain lives in Louisville, Kentucky. His fifth chapbook, Handing the Cask, recently appeared from erbacce press.

Laura Hardy, was born and raised in the Santa Cruz Mountains. She writes scripts & poetry as a hobby, which has never led to publishing, only the completion of three chapbooks: L’Amour, Notes, and I Won’t Lie Anymore. Much of her inspriation for character comes from Tommy Wiseau.

Megan Kennedy has never been a real big fan of reality. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, she dabbled in the so-called "real world" as a child, and now as she approaches 27, she has fully committed to keeping one foot in the ether. When she's not zombie hunting with her husband or getting published in great places like Rain Tiger, Fantastic Horror and Divertir Publishing, you can find her on the heels of her hero, Dante Aligheiri, as she tackles her most ambitious project to date: a dark high-fantasy series that offers a brilliant and disturbing reimagining of Hell.

Ron Koppelberger has been published in The Storyteller, Ceremony, Write On!!! (Poetry Magazette), Freshly Baked Fiction and Necrology Shorts.

Tannen Dell is a writer from Tigard, Oregon. He edits at Indigo Rising Magazine and PCC's Alchemy/Alembic; two fine publications with alot of new age and up-in-coming material in them. 

Taylor Graham is a volunteer search-and-rescue dog handler in El Dorado County, CA. Her poems have appeared in The Iowa Review, New York Quarterly, Poetry International, Southern Humanities Review and elsewhere.