It's hard to have conversations

you take 4 to 6 hits a night
(single-malt scotch,little ice, no water)
I suck on rock salt
tell you I saw Ted Bundy
in the deli section of the grocery store
this morning and he saw me
with those glassy shark eyes
and he stood behind me in the check-out line
reading my name & address off my check so close
I could smell the incense of Old Sparky in his hair —
it is not all that different
from the smell of your cigar




Hillary Lyon is editor for the small press poetry journals The Laughing Dog, and Veil: Journal of Darker Musings. She holds a BS from the University of Texas and an MA in Literature from SMU. Her work has appeared in EOAGH, Shadow Train, Poetry Northwest, From the Depths, and Shot Glass Journal, among others. She lives in Southern Arizona.