Indigo Winter

They buried me alive, in a casket -for a secret.
Endless hours, I have shivered,
and stared into a sea of iridescent silk.

My air is thinning.

My final moments will be spent alone in a midnight blue cell;
my worth measured in the ohms I generate trembling.
I am my own fading battery.

No one will come.

I am tied to the frigid womb of a dead mother.
A birth that will never be.
An inmate in this indigo winter.

My eternal season.



Chris ‘Irish Goat’ Knodel is an author, poet and ultra-distance runner in San Antonio, TX. His poetry and short fiction have been featured in/by Alba, Allegro Poetry Magazine, Ealain, Haiku Journal, Grey Wolfe Publishing, Highfield Press, Icarus Down Review, Kind of a Hurricane Press, Pretty Owl Poetry, The Wolfian, The Write Place at the Write Time, Writer’s Quibble, Yellow Chair Review, Ygdrasil, Zimbell House Publishing, & Zodiac Review. He can be easily spotted by his kilt, tattoos and six inch, flaming-red, Van Dyke goatee.