The Subconscious

Thing is, your body is root magic.
Sanskrit in the brain. We are all Somalian.
The thing writ on the body of Kafka. Hoopla.
One day, consciousness obscured by high-
functioning: overlooks the brute tundra
And in so choosing, entrained compass
God’s cruel trick to catch commercial
Learn iconic hook and jingle.
Be a repeat customer
Coiled in deep circuitry
To reappear upon trigger.

Press record it is not Christmas. Imagine parchment paper
Heart parachutes, the brain stem a stone tablet
Instructions packed separately in plastic.

The awareness a wire has
When you prick it up.
Seek dandelion.
A conduit for completing circuitry.

Caught sleepwalking again, Zombie sans
Thought, an inside job.
How wired awake are you right now.
Two energy drinks deep.

I was also an automaton walking through the kitchen with morning coffee.
Consciousness can’t keep constant watch.

The actionable undertow, unquestionable
Bridge, a substratum of what lies beneath.

Law suit, real estate litigation, but rock decorum
A tentative peninsula, emergent per se
Covenant between the two- fancy strata

Hell is words in your head
Family law: if I could declare an undertaker
Another year of my personality an undefended quarry hauling
Non-exhaustive list of things the body can learn: bravery, pattern, pain

A bell sets exciting!
We too are rapped on the head.
As our time comes we reflect on how barbarian we’ve been.

I feel caught forward.
I find myself doing things I am missing.


Jasper Glen's poems appear or are forthcoming in Posit, Streetlight Magazine, Amsterdam Quarterly, Tofu Ink, fauxmoir, NiftyLit, Pinky Thinker Press, The Antonym, and other journals. He holds a BA in Philosophy and a JD, and lives in Vancouver, Canada.